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Get ready, grab your cameras and join us !!!
The website is cost free, politically clean and with no ads.
It reached 158,000 visitors in 2016, i.e. an average of 13,000/month viewing various pages,
one third from the US, one third from Europe and the rest from other parts of the world.
Most participants use
to forward which is free of charge.
Do not hesitate : making a presentation is very simple.
Start with your name, indicate the name of the city, check what kind of photos to choose based on existing displays : front and side views, from far and close ups, part views with interesting details, short videos at reasonably near distance and focusing on the main subject.
They should be transferred in original quality and, last but not least, be your own.
You are welcome to join us in the quest, find the location of astronomical clocks, clocks showing lunar phases, clocks with jacks, take photos and collect information, then forward to be included on the website, naturally under your name as I respect the work of others.
Unfortunately the camping car is aging and I am not getting younger either !
There are plenty of other clocks that I do not know, or which lie too far in other parts of the world. America, for instance, offers numerous beautiful clocks, whether special or ancient.
displays the result of my wanderings : over 600 fabulous clocks and details of their mechanisms.
Simultaneously and making use of collected information, I started touring Europe, swallowing miles up to 4,000 per trip with an average of 24 to 50 stops each to view notable clocks.
An enormous task involving preliminary work, numerous messages and phone calls to organize appointments and work out timings without forgetting the acquisition of a camping car and multilingual GPS system !
Then after having hit the news on a national television program (TF1), I was faced with a steady flow of several dozen requests which I had to turn down.
My hobby was becoming real work detrimental to professionals which was not the purpose. Spending 100 hours on a clock from time to time was fine but making it an everyday’s job :
no way !
Other clocks across the country which were destined to become scrap were saved and gained a second life : dpts.html.
Welcome !
4,000 US visitors/month! Clockwork treasures!
Participate & have your own photos published
Having spent all my life dealing in mechanics and cogwheels, I have dedicated the past 14 years of my retirement to clock renovation.
Starting in North-Eastern France with some 30 clocks from bell towers and city halls :
An all consuming passion and volunteer work.